
Research partners from the LiCORNE consortium are working on developing and optimising various technologies to produce battery-grade materials. SINTEF, for instance, have designed, built and tested their advanced electrodialysis apparatus using purified lithium (Li) solutions derived from the upstream treatment processes of Li-ore. Intermediary results show the process will require further optimisation to obtain 99 % purity LiOH and the targeted energy consumption of less than 15 kWh/kg. The research is still ongoing, focusing now on removing the Al ions prior to the electrodialysis process and on investigating new operating parameters.

In another task, working on the optimisation of the conditions for selective chlorination of spodumene concentrate and cathode waste, SINTEF achieved almost 95 % Li yield using CaCl2 -NaCl -KCl melts. Optimisation is underway to replicate the results to the other valuable materials available in the cathode material.

Researchers at TEC have been optimising the organic-based membrane electrolysis process to recover Li from organic solutions as Li2CO3. Results indicate they managed to achieve over 95 % Li yield from off-specification cathode material, while recovering all the organic solvent used in the previous (leaching) step for its reuse. Good yield rates have also been obtained for the treatment of solutions produced in the liquid/liquid [L/L] extraction of brines and spodumene. However, the selectivity of the membrane is insufficient to overcome the migration of the high concentration of other competing cations such as Na, K, Mg and Ca. Researchers are currently producing and testing new PIMs (Polymer Inclusion Membranes) to try to improve the results.

The research group at VITO have been refining their gas-diffusion electrocrystallisation process for Li recovery from brines, achieving over 95 % removal of Li from most of the samples. By manipulating and adding salts to the brine sample, results show that more than 99 % Li is extracted.  The energy efficiency of the GDEx process can be improved with the optimisation of the GDEx reactor.

With all technological processes reporting progress and reaching the targets established at proposal stage, future months will rely on the results of the LCA and LCC analysis, which will establish the most promising processes that will enter the upscaling phase.

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